Beyond these primeval tools, the interdependency of created objects is astounding. Select at random any one of the many thousands items within the reach of where you now sit. None of them could exist without many of the others around it. No technology is an island.
Gordura e açúcar fornecem calorias essenciais a nossa sobrevivência. Mas por que gostamos tanto de sal?
Mulheres que abandonam a vida profissional para cuidar da casa e da família são traidoras do movimento ou essa é uma escolha válida - embora tipicamente classe média? Por que essa escolha me parece um retrocesso tão grande?
No one was asking because no one could ask. Sometime in the last decade, dogs achieved dominion over urban America. They are everywhere now, allowed in places that used to belong exclusively to humans, and sometimes only to human adults: the office, restaurants, museums, buses, trains, malls, supermarkets, barber shops, banks, post offices. Even at the park and other places where dogs belong, they’ve been given free rein. Dogs are frequently allowed to wander off leash, to run toward you and around you, to run across the baseball field or basketball court, to get up in your grill. Even worse than the dogs are the owners, who seem never to consider whether there may be people in the gym/office/restaurant/museum who do not care to be in close proximity to their dogs. After all, what kind of monster would have a problem with a poor innocent widdle doggie? It’s a dog’s world. We just live in it. And it’s awful. Bad dogs!
O Google Glass não é tão discreto - ou legal - quanto eu pensava. Nessa primeira iteração, ele é tão interessante quanto os primeiros celulares que vi.
Fiz treze pontos (o máximo) nesse teste de conhecimentos científicos e treze (de quinze) no de conhecimentos sobre religião. Faça os testes e compare seu placar com os americanos.
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